
Sunday, July 17, 2011

I've been making craptastic movies again.

Oh, Windows Movie Maker. You make such terrible movies.

I wish I'd been better about taking photos this year.


  1. I am nominating your movie for an Oscar! (Can I do that? Do they take nominations from non-Academy members?)

    I can't believe how far it's come in just a year!

  2. Niiiiiice! The tiki torches are AWESOME (like icing on the cake.)

  3. I love it! Terrible as the software may be, this is still so cool to watch! I've had a thought recently: I don't really budget much for house/garden projects, sort of figuring that they should come out of our fun money and magically there'll be enough to do whatever we want to do (within reason). That really doesn't happen in reality, so I need to make it part of the budget plan. I'm all inspired, thinking that we could totally accomplish neat stuff like you have if we actually planned for it!

  4. I don't really plan either. I am notoriously cheap except with plants. I have no self control. I think it confuses Greg because I'll balk at a $50 weed whacker (we could just borrow one from the tool library!) but I won't blink at spending $85 on new shrubs.

    Have you posted a complete view of your backyard? I feel like I've seen bits and pieces here and there but I can't think of what the whole looks like.

  5. It was an honor just being nominated! I'll be over here, in a ball gown, for no reason. :)

  6. Yeah, I too find it much harder to shell out for non-pretty things like tools than for plants that KEEP GROWING and being ever more awesome. Here's a view of hte back yard from earlier this summer:
    Please excuse the ugly snow fence which is keeping the puppy out of the vegetable gardens. :)

  7. Could it be, sometimes you are a little too hard on yourself? The movie didn't out as bad as you made it sounding. Sure, Windows Movie Maker might not that super video editing and video creating program, but it's free and does actually a good job for most purpose. My hubby said, you could buy Adobe's video software for a couple thousand dollars. LOL
    He made a movie for my store not too long ago...using Windows Movie Maker.
    (just in case you would be interested to see it:

    It's interesting to see how your garden project has made progress within a little over a year. It's nice to see in this time lap how everything got in shape, the different plants you planted and how they grew and last not least, what the final result looks like. I agree with what Holyoke Home said, the Tiki Torches are the icing on the cake. Thumb Up!
    Best Wishes
    Paula Jo

  8. (please delete if there is a double entry of this comment)

    Could it be, sometimes you are a little too hard on yourself? The movie didn't out as bad as you made it sounding. Sure, Windows Movie Maker might not that super video editing and video creating program, but it's free and does actually a good job for most purpose. My hubby said, you could buy Adobe's video software for a couple thousand dollars. LOL
    He made a movie for my store not too long ago...using Windows Movie Maker.
    (just in case you would be interested to see it:

    It's interesting to see how your garden project has made progress within a little over a year. It's nice to see in this time lap how everything got in shape, the different plants you planted and how they grew and last not least, what the final result looks like. I agree with what Holyoke Home said, the Tiki Torches are the icing on the cake. Thumb Up!
    Best Wishes
    Paula Jo

  9. Heather, Hi. Remember Me? I'm the one who said "But I kinda liked that red slab!" It's true, I did. But wow. That slabless area is beautiful now!!

  10. I was secretly missing the slab once it was out, too. I'm so glad you like it!
