
Thursday, October 13, 2011

The freakshow bulb keeps giving

I loved this freakshow bulb in health.

Allium schubertii

And I love it in death, too.

Greg doesn't seem to care for it but I'm going to keep loving it until terrifying bugs hatch out of it.


  1. I still can't get over that dog pillow. LOVE! And I gotta plant me an alium.

  2. I ordered hyacinth bulbs after seeing them in your garden. We may, between the two of us, keep the bulb industry afloat. :)

  3. So awesome. Also, I'm now picturing your house as not only the scene of Portlandia, but also the scene of an epic alien-bug attack.

  4. If we don't get rid of the fungus gnats that came out my dracaena soon, that may be the case!

  5. One of my neighbors has one stuck over the antenna on his car...super cool! Of course it requires a car old enough to have an antenna.

  6. Way better than a Jack ball! I've never had a new car before--do they no longer come with antennae?
