
Sunday, April 15, 2012

Bloom day April 2012

Man, I love this time of year. The daphne is still scenting the yard, the tulips are all opening, and we still have all the summer and fall foliage and blooms to look forward to.

Dicentra spectabilis 'Alba'

Tulipa 'Orange Princess'

Erythronium oregonum

Lonicera involucrata

Pieris japonica

Tulipa 'Flair'

This flower hasn't opened but I had no idea that oxalis even made flowers, so . . .

Oxalis oregana

Helleborus x ballardiae 'HGC Cinnamon Snow'

Tulipa 'Merry Christmas'

Daphne odora variegata 


Ribes sanguineum

Arctostaphylos uva-ursi

Check out all the gardeners' blooms at May Dreams Gardens.


  1. Didn't you call yourself a flower floozie last week? I think you're right...Annie would be so proud. I'm still in love with those princess tulips and the color combo of the Ribes next to your grey house is fabulous!

  2. Thanks! I love those too. Now I just need to get the other ribes that is hanging out behind the orange tulips out of the ground. Its pink flowers are playing poorly with everything around it. They are much prettier close to the house!

  3. I do love spring, for just that reason, as good as it is right now, you know it's only going to get better! There's something so great about waking up and being excited to go outside to see what else is up, and what's blooming. LOVE the Erythronium...I don't know what it is about them...they are just so freaking elegant!

  4. Love all those orange tulips! You are ahead of me, only my species tulips are blooming.
