
Wednesday, May 30, 2012


I wrote about why I DIY over at (hint: I can't afford to have someone else do it). It's cheesy and earnest and nothing you don't already know. What's exciting is that they sponsored me to install baseboard in my kitchen so some day soon I'll be able to show you the finished product (once they publish the next installment). Those are Bill's hands in the photo, not mine, by the way. If the music industry thing doesn't work out for him I think he has a future as a dirty hand model.

The baseboard looks great, except for that one spot where it looks weird. And we have yet to re-tack the transition strip back down between the kitchen and the dining room, so I'm constantly tripping over it and I'll probably end up cracking it. Such is life in our house; if there weren't hazards laying about I'd just run into the walls (ask me why that bone in my hand looks weird). It was also brought to my attention recently that I pronounce sandwich "SAM-WICH" so I think we should all keep the bar low and just be happy that I haven't lost my house to a freak gasoline fight accident. KNOCK ON WOOD.

After reading my post my mom told me she saw herself in me, which is high praise considering my mama kicks ass and can make/do almost anything. I'm hoping she meant the can-do part and not the drain cleaner mishap. She might have meant the drain cleaner mishap.


  1. Just so you know that someone out here is reading your posts and laughing out loud ... i am and i've decided to start reading these at the end of the day, which is about the time i most need a freaking laugh.

  2. Thank YOU for reading! And thank you for laughing in the good way. Unless you're laughing AT me in the bad way? In that case pbbbbthhh. :)

  3. OMG...congrats...that's so cool! I can totally feel for you on that night after buying your house...omg...I had a little PTST for you. Norm can tell you how I had a nervous breakdown the night before we got our key to the house. He actually woke up to find me measuring our 3 am! I had woken up, convinced that NONE of our furniture would fit and that we'd made a horrible mistake. No one tells you about the night-terrors, do they. Our realtor gave us a gift certificate to a little antique store...he should have given me a prescription for valium! Anyway...good on ya for doing so much yourself...I have to admit, I was really intimidated by all the DIY stuff before, but after 3 years, I don't get too upset by broken things around the house...I know we can fix most of them ourselves...even it it takes a little longer and I have to do dishes in the bathtub for a while ;-)

  4. Thanks, Scott. You are SO right about the valium! I convinced myself that I'd never find a roommate if I didn't have a dining room table (nevermind that the bathroom sink didn't work) so I had a feverish day of shopping to find my shitty falling-apart Danish set. But I found a roommate. I know it was because of the dining room table. ;)

    How long did your kitchen remodel take in total? I'm terrified to take on anything of that magnitude.

  5. We were having lunch with a nephew who is an ER doc, and he was all caught up in around-the-house projects. I said "well, you take people apart and put them back together, so your house should be no problem." He admitted that he was way more freaked out about the house. Maybe you should have lunch with him next.

  6. That doesn't surprise me--doctors don't like admitting they don't know how to do something and they hate failure more than normal people. Can you tell who I work with? :)
