
Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Well, shit

I tried to move one of my black lace elderberries. It didn't like that.

Sambucus nigra 'Great sadness'

Say a prayer. Wait until you see what I did under the bathroom sink. I am failing left and right this week.


  1. If it makes you feel any better I did the same thing, only the victim was a Grevillea. Then since I couldn't stand it just laying there looking so pathetic I didn't even give it a chance to come around, I just yanked it out and tossed in the yard waste container. Bad gardener.

  2. Some internet sources claim it will spring back. I'm not so sure.

  3. Elderberries are hard to kill, in my experience.

  4. Never fear, I have an elderberry that has survived so many moves, Might just be moving again. Look forward to seeing what you did in the bathroom.

  5. Plants are total bitches when you move them. They either die or limp along like they're a cat that's been sprayed with water. Most of mine just die. I thought I'd lost both of my potentilla's but saw a fluttering of green life at the roots. So maybe it's just being a petty bitch.

  6. Wait, is that really the name of the variety of elderberry? If so, how fitting!

  7. No, but wouldn't that be funny? I think being a cultivar namer would be the best job. :)

  8. Mine is 'Eva', but looks the same. I was shocked at how quickly it grew to dominate its bed. It was the most admired plant in my garden last summer, but I'm not sure I would want to have more than one.

  9. It may well end up that I only have one as well! ;) This might be a blessing in disguise.
