
Thursday, July 26, 2012

Well, crap.

I think my transplanted bamboo is in shock. It's turning yellow and some of the culms have died.

I'm hoping it's just sulking and that it will survive. July probably wasn't the best time to put it to the test, but I'm keeping it well watered and it hasn't been crazy hot. I'm hoping the yellowed culms will rebound just like the other transplanted plants I've fretted about this summer. 

The oakleaf hydrangea that I moved was sulky for a good month or so and now it's blooming, something it rarely did in its old spot. I think it's going to be much, much happier here.

The blacklace elderberry I moved has completely recovered and I expect it should enjoy the extra space and  lessened competition. Now I just need to plant something contrasting behind it so you can actually see it.

Has anyone had their bamboo turn yellow and recover? Is this a lost cause?


  1. Not a lost cause. Transplant is pretty stressful, and the plants need to reduce leaf activity since the severed roots can't support them for a while. They'll rebound! (That black lace elderberry will really pop with something lighter behind it)

  2. Oh, that's excellent news. Thanks, Laurrie! I found a bright gold vine that I think would look great climbing the fence behind those elderberry . . .

  3. Yikes! I bet it'll be long as the roots are healthy, they'll be ok. I think you should plant Golden Hops behind the Elderberry...would look A-MAZ-ING! Oops...I see from the comment below, you had a similar idea ;-) There's also a gold-leaved Jasmine...and a gold-leaved Clematis...oh, the possibilities!

  4. I can bring you some golden hops at the plant exchange if you like. Or you could just paint that section of fence chartreuse ;-)

  5. We should go shopping together. :) I'd love to pick your brain!

  6. Ooh, that would be awesome--thank you! By the way, that plant has the best Latin name I've ever heard. Humulus lupulus, it totally sounds like a drunkard named it.

  7. HammeringOurWayHomeJuly 26, 2012 at 6:30 PM

    My vote is that this is the little bamboo that could. This of course, means really nothing, as you know I know nothing about gardening. D'oh. But I'm remaining hopeful.

  8. I can see you are a garden worrier. I definitely would bet your bamboo will recover, just like the elderberry. Speaking of which, golden hops is a good idea, but how about red elderberry 'Sutherland's Gold'? Think about it: two tone elderberries! Plus the red elderberries have ornamental red berries in early to mid-summer.

  9. Perhaps a silly question, but did you put drainage holes in the stock tank? Because if not, the bamboo could actually be drowning.
