
Wednesday, September 19, 2012

I really am just defective . . . and I'm very happy about it.

Happy dance! The appraisal for my mortgage refinance came back at $75K more than my purchase price. I want to think that it's because I put in a pretty garden and painted the rooms nice colors but I know it comes down to the improving economy and housing market.

The best part is that this picture of our dining room was immortalized in the appraisal. Last year I hung a banner for Greg's birthday that said, "Happy Fucking Birthday" and we've been swapping it around ever since. It currently says "grab it funky chap."

But seriously, whew.

We also got the official report back on the indoor air quality tests and they show no abnormally high pollen, mold, or bacteria counts. Pollen counts were especially high this year so I may just be reacting to that, or I'm allergic to Greg. My allergies started when he moved in, have I mentioned that?

I'm just one of those dorky kids with an inhaler and I couldn't be happier! I ordered my air purifier and I'll report back if it helps or not.


  1. Lol. I bet it's Greg ;)

    NO! :)

  2. Love the ever changing banner, that could be a blog post all on its own!

  3. Some of them really aren't appropriate for my parents to see! :)

  4. $75k!!! That's amazing! Plus, now you know your house isn't harboring the plague. Too bad about wouldn't surprise me if he tried to blame the Castor Bean for your allergies..things are about to get sooooo Days of Our Lives ;-)

  5. Hopefully things will go Bo and Hope and not Marlena and John. :)

  6. $75K is not small change, congrats! And even tho you and Scott were already pretty high on my "cool people" meter I have to say your Days chatter has me liking you even more....

  7. Thank goodness I gave up Guiding Light for Days back in junior high!
