
Thursday, October 11, 2012

It's still growing.

Last week was windy. All that wind really fluffed up my castor bean plant, causing it to lose some height but gain some width. 

No joke, it's as wide as my Honda is long.

But I'm more excited because my Mahonia media 'Arthur Menzies' put on about 8 inches of growth overnight.

Grow, baby, grow! That castor bean is going to die soon and I'll have a big gaping hole that you need to fill.


  1. Funny I saw that picture with your car for scale (OMG) and thought "damn it's going to suck when that plant goes away"...

  2. I know! Quick, what are some winter annuals I can put in its place?

  3. Looks amazing!

  4. The light on the red of that Castor Bean is just wonderful. It hurts to lose a favored annual or hefty perennial- I'm already mourning my Tetrapanax and it isn't even going yellow yet. But go "Arthur Menzies"!

  5. Gorgeous light...and the new growth on that Mahonia is fantabulous!

  6. I'm already mourning the fact that I'll probably never again grow a castor bean plant as big and beautiful as this one. :(

  7. I'm learning from you--gotta grab that beautiful dusky light when I can!

  8. They told me I could grow mahonia here in New England, but they were wrong. I had some crisp brown piles of rubble and never saw the beautiful rich glossy leaves you have. I'll just have to come here to watch your mahonia leap to life. Beautiful lighting!

  9. I'm really hoping it flowers this winter. I can't wait for those yellow blooms! That's too bad you can't grow it in New England--they always say what a tough plant it is.

  10. Maybe you should call it your Honda Bean Plant. Your yard is coming along beautifully.

  11. I love that! And thank you for your nice words. :)
