
Sunday, December 16, 2012

Garden bloggers' bloom day December 2012, Should I be worried? edition

And one day late, to boot. I've been preoccupied with being cold, hiding out under blankets, knitting, and rewatching the entire run of Gilmore Girls. I am so good at doing winter.

My salvia 'Black and Blue' is still going strong, though the weather isn't always kind to the blooms.

My Mahonia x media 'Arthur Menzies' is gorgeous right now, though it's being overshadowed by an increasingly gnarly looking castor bean plant. I'm waiting for the castor bean to turn to mush so I can get that humongous stalk out of the ground.

Salvia pulchella x involucrata looks like it might finally bloom.

My Knautia macedonica is still pushing out blooms.

Fatsia japonica!

In slightly troubling news, my hellebores are already blooming, which didn't happen until February last year.

My Allium schubertii are poking out of the ground. A lot.

Am I worrying over nothing? Am I going to lose these alliums once the really cold weather gets here? Will Luke and Lorelei ever figure out that they're in love with each other? So many questions.

Please visit our host Carol at May Dreams Gardens for a look at what's blooming in everyone else's gardens.


  1. Love that 'Black and Blue", but the Gilmore Girls? Don't you know winter is for classic Law and Order reruns?

  2. Your alliums will be fine. They always do that, with no ill effect. Even could handle some snow I bet. Not that we want that to happen, for driving-sake. But alliums don't drive. So yeah.

  3. The plants will be fine, as long as the planet can hold out. Now there's a worry worthy subject.

  4. Haha...well, if Christopher wouldn't always show up at the absolute wrong time, Luke & Lorelai would have gotten together 4 or 5 seasons earlier...but then, whats the fun in that :-) I'll never stop looking for my own Stars Hollow!

  5. I vaguely remember things from the last seasons, like Lorelei and Christopher getting married and I get angry all over again. Stupid flake!

  6. I love the upright blooms on your 'Arthur Menzies'. THAT'S the flower to have now! And I'm always marginally worried about the super-early bulbs and bloomers, but experience tells me they will be just fine - besides, this winter will be a cake walk, right?
