
Friday, February 15, 2013

Garden bloggers' bloom day February 2013

I'm kind of in love with this moment in time. My Mahonia x media 'Arthur Menzies' is still blooming.

Sweet box just started to bloom. Sarcococca ruscifolia.

My Oregon stonecrop is making the prettiest rosettes and mingling so nicely with Sedum angelina.

My Daphne odora 'Aureomarginata' is about to smell really great.

My hellebores are still going nuts.

 And my first crocus bloomed! Crocus chrysanthus 'Romance'.

The sun is shining and Cara Cara oranges are still available in stores . . . I'm giddy. Happy bloom day, everyone! Be sure to check out the full show at May Dreams Gardens.


  1. I love your enthusiasm! And why not - you have some beautiful blooms, and some sweet scents in your garden. Love the hellebores, and that little crocus that came out just in time for GBBD is adorable.

  2. So jealous of your crocus...mine are JUST starting to poke above ground...I guess that's what I get for waiting until Christmas to plant them.

  3. You must have your hellebores where they get much more sun than mine - I only have tight buds, and I'm jealous. Your Daphne looks open enough to force a cluster inside so things smell great indoors and out!

  4. They'll snap to next year, right?

  5. Did you hear that Sean Hogan described a daphne at the show last weekend that blooms nine months out of the year? I'm totally getting one and always keeping a sprig by my bedside table.

  6. I seem to detect a twinge of Spring Fever...ain't love grand?

  7. Indeed, this is one one of my favorite times of year. I find myself walking though the garden often, willing the peonies to rise up through the ground. I love your Mahonia. I want to add a Mahonia x media Charity, it would be a great nesting spot for the hummingbirds. I loved your spring photos, thank you for sharing.

  8. These look great. I am a keen garden and am able to spend a lot of my time on plants like this as I use a lot of different garden tools that are really good to use and can save you a lot of time.
