
Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Just FYI

If you give a castor bean plant water and fish emulsion every three weeks and plant it in a sunny place, it will look like this.

And the root ball will be so thick and sturdy by the next spring that you'll have to clip the roots and then hang your whole body weight on the trunk to get it out of the ground.

I planted a Chionochloa rubra in its place, along with some annual tidytips (Layia platyglossa) to fill in.

Greg was so insistent that this grass not poke into the driveway (the castor bean did) that I planted it too close to the Mahonia. Now the question is, can I plant another castor bean here for the summer while the grass gets up to size? Maybe I won't give it quite so much fish emulsion this time.


  1. Your castor bean was such a star last can you even ask if you should plant another?

  2. Did you say yours have self-seeded in the past? I'm looking out for seedlings but I haven't seen anything.

  3. Grow another one!!! Seriously, and if it threatens other plants, you can always whack it back. I dare you to put it in a pot, and continuously inch it closer to the driveway, until it's on the driveway. BWAHAHAHAHAHA!

  4. I never should've told him it's poisonous! Think one would survive as a houseplant? I could leave it on his nightstand. ;)

  5. Back when I thought I was getting rid of the bamboo and growing a couple of interm Castor Beans I was totally going to beg you to pick them out and tell me how to care for them...

    In other words you have a gift...DO IT,

  6. There's so much pressure this year! I swear that was a fluke. But I'm gonna do it.

  7. They produced seed, which I saved and planted, but so far nothing.

  8. That is one scary plant. But handsome! Does it whisper: "Feed me ..."?
