
Monday, April 1, 2013

We're in technicolor

My apologies to those of you still buried under snow. It was pretty glorious in Portland this weekend, with the weather hitting 75 degrees. Greg mowed the lawn, I got a little sunburned, I complained over and over about being hot. It's officially spring.

This is that time when the garden starts going nuts. Things are a little technicolor in the backyard right now. The spirea 'Magic Carpet' is in the neon phase.

The old tulip color scheme was black and pale pink. Now that I have the orange tulips installed I need to relocate those peachy colored guys to another part of the yard.

The Japanese golden sedum in the wheelbarrow is filling in nicely and it's electrically chartreuse.

The Dart's Gold ninebark (Physocarpus opulifolius 'Dart's Gold') under the cedar screams from across the yard (in a good way).

My next door neighbor has an impressive swath of muscari, which I'm liking with all the orange tulips I planted along here. I know orange isn't everyone's favorite but it's my favorite. Especially with blue.

Happy spring, y'all!

Tulipa 'Flair'


  1. You do have some bright going on. Love it!

    We're still calling brown a spring accent because it's brighter than gray. We're a little way off from real spring color here. But soon.

  2. Thank you again for the ninebark suggestion. I'm loving it already!

  3. I'll climb on your orange bandwagon...hooray for the bright exuberance of spring!

  4. I love chartreuse. SO. MUCH.

  5. This is why we get along. Also: ice cream.

  6. First, you damn well should apologize. We don't all get to luxuriate in mild climates, you know. Second, I also love orange, and especially orange and blue together. Nice tulips!

  7. You can grow much better tomatoes than we can--be sure to rub that in this summer. :) Orange is for winners!
