
Thursday, April 4, 2013

Why didn't you tell me?

Because my mind is a sad and boring place, I often stand in the shower after a hard day in the garden and ponder, "What's a gardener's bigger friend? The wheelbarrow or the nail brush? I should ask that on my blog." I've been using those cheap leather work gloves from Home Depot, which get so full of splinters when you spread mulch, AND they leave your nails filthy. Even though I read two years ago on Mr. Brown Thumb about Atlas gardening gloves, I didn't think they could be that great and waited until now to buy some. They are $15 for a four-pack on Amazon. Even if they all crap out by the end of the year, that's cheap.

Holy shit, they're awesome. No splinters made it through when I spread mulch (I prefer to use my hands over a rake). My nails were pristine. It didn't feel like I was wearing gloves. I could pick out tiny weeds without mangling the seedlings I wanted to keep. I could operate my phone with them on. They were comfortable. I chased miles of wild morning glory roots, carefully teasing them out of the soil so they wouldn't break and resprout.

My neighbor has wild morning glory so I have wild morning glory

Then LeAnn asked the next day on Facebook about which gardening tools we couldn't live without and I chimed in about my gloves and everyone else was like, "Oh I love those too!"

Guys, why didn't you tell me?!?

Be sure to watch for LeAnn's column in PQ Monthly about the tools gardeners can't live without. I can't wait to find out that there's a better tool than a landscaping spike for popping dandelions. Or head over to her Facebook page and chime in about your favorite garden tool or the tool you find the biggest waste of money. Think of the poor dumb gardeners like me who need a leg up.


  1. I totally would have told you! I have a pair of Atlas gloves that I ride my horse, work at the barn, and work in the garden in. I've had them for four years. I even used them to climb Mt. St. Helens. I think they'll probably need replacing by the end of this summer. They are AWESOME. I bought them for the barn originally and the $5 I spent has gone WAY farther than it would have if I'd bought actual riding gloves.

  2. If it makes you feel better, I had never heard of them until you told me about them...but I'm so ordering some now.

  3. Hooker's fairy bells! You've been holding out on me!

  4. I really can't bring myself to wear gloves at all, which means during the growing season my hands are always filthy, and our bathroom sink looks like a venue for mud wrestling. Drives Judy crazy, but I like feeling the dirt.

  5. I just recently figured out that indeed the iPhone likes Atlas gloves, bonus! I discovered them years ago at Garden Fever and instantly was addicted, when you wear them it's almost like not wearing gloves at all, only with all the benefits of gloves. I do throw a fit though when Garden Fever is all out of the green in size small and I have to buy yellow instead...


  7. p.s. first typed 'hooker's fairy balls.'

  8. They are blooming right now, which always makes me think of you.

  9. Oh, that's a completely different thing. :)

  10. 1. You are awesome. Thank you for all of the link love.

    2. The "poor dumb gardeners like me" isn't going to work much longer for you Heather. I've seen your obsessing over plants posts (using full on grammatically correct Latin) and commitment to gardening in full rain and mud photos: you're officially a seasoned gardener. Welcome to the club.

    3. My column is going to be somewhat general, but I do have some good new info on what NOT to buy to share. Stay tuned!
    4. You are awesome.

  11. You're so welcome--I didn't want to steal your story idea but I really wanted to exclaim over these gloves. And thanks for saying I'm a seasoned gardener--I still feel like I have such huge gaps in my knowledge that I'll never catch up. And YOU'RE awesome.

  12. Hmmm..."$15 for a four-pack on Amazon" sounds like a great deal, but I would miss the trip to Garden Fever and all the collateral damage that entails.
