
Wednesday, June 19, 2013

My favorite things from the ANLD tour

Last week I was lucky to attend a preview of the 9th annual ANLD garden tour. Loree did a really wonderful job of capturing highlights from each garden. I wasn't as good about taking photos but I had a great time.

These were a few of my favorite things. Everything from the Floramagoria garden (which I've toured before) was awesome. This is a true plant lover's garden and they have some genius hardscaping, to boot. Large bamboo culms had been painted and stuck in the ground, giving this area height and color without blocking the view. You can purchase bamboo culms of this size at Bamboo Craftsman, if you want to recreate this.

A brilliant way to keep gravel from your paths from ending up where it shouldn't be.

Whismy. Such good whimsy.

A spectacular sun shade from the Cedar Mill garden.

I loved this pathway.

I saw Agave 'Blue Glow' for the first time at the Clackamas County Master Gardener's Fair and ever since I have noticed it everywhere. I must have one. This was at the Pequeño Paraiso garden.

I loved these lights. Unobtrusive and beautiful.

This was across the street from one of the tours but it cracked me up.

I loved everything about this water feature from the Plant Passion garden.

And there's that Blue Glow again!

The tour is this Saturday, June 22nd from 10am to 4pm. You can buy tickets from their website or the day of the tour from Garden Fever, Drake's 7 Dees, and Cornell Farms.


  1. I love that pathway too! I have a couple of short flagstone path in my garden, but the stones are way too far apart. I should get more, and then fill in between them with small stones, of which I have plenty. That grate over the gravel IS brilliant.

  2. I seriously want that last water feature...but I'd never be able to leave that much empty space around it!

  3. So many gorgeous things! I've seen the Floramagoria garden on blogs before and am totally smitten with it. Do you suppose the owners would notice if I just moved in?

  4. You should really come down this summer for their HPSO open garden. Then you can talk to them about where you'll be setting up your yurt and all that.

  5. Maybe just a tiny bit of Rozanne tucked into the rocks . . . ? I couldn't do it either!

  6. I totally want to steal that idea with the small stones too. So pretty!

  7. Lots of baby 'blue glow' at Garden Fever for $9.99, couple of larger ones for $19.99 just in case you really must have one ASAP.

  8. Ooh, I have a garden fever gift certificate burning a hole in my pocket, waiting on something special. I think this might be it!

  9. I love the sun shade. I've been thinking about it for my back patio but am afraid it'll look stupid. I may just go for it.
    I love the unobtrusive lights.
    I really love the water feature.
    I'm so inspired now!

  10. We've been thinking about a sunshade too. If they are done right they look so good! I have a bad track record for doing things right, so I've been hesitant. Let me know if you go for it!
