
Friday, August 2, 2013

It's a Christmas miracle!

Somehow my Zea mays 'Variegata' that I got for purely ornamental value has self-pollinated. We have an ear of corn developing.

It almost makes up for the fact that right after I bragged about how good our veggie garden was looking, all the lettuce bolted, the cabbages were attacked by aphids, and the chard wilted. Before pride goeth a fall . . . but then after the fall there's corn! One ear of corn! Hallelujah!


  1. I forget...are the kernels all sorts of colors as well? Nan Ondra posted about that crazy "glass corn" a while ago...where the kernels actually look like glass heads...amazing!

  2. At least your dinosaur kale is still going strong. The one crop PNW gardeners can always count on.

  3. I have no idea. Can I peak inside the corn husk?

  4. I know, right? It's harboring terrifyingly large spiders but the blue color is so nice.

  5. Blame all those sleepy bumbles: they were sleep-flying and got confused.

  6. Whatever it is, I'll take it. :)

  7. This story reminds me of my grandmother who kind of half believed that boasting would attract the attention of the evil eye. But if so, the evil eye likes corn! Nobody is all bad!

  8. I must have been verrrry boastful to get an ear of corn!

  9. Preach it sister! Can't wait to see what the corn looks like when it's mature. I wouldn't look inside yet as things are still developing in there.

  10. That's an incredibly beautiful corn stalk! I planted corn for my 1st time ever this year too. I have 6 stalks and 6 ears. They're getting bigger every day but I'm not sure how to tell when they're "done" and I've been afraid I'll screw things up if I peel back the foliage too soon. So I'm waiting. Since all my beautiful grapes were eaten by birds before they ripened and my tomatoes seem to be a bit of a bust this year, I'm really hopeful that the corn comes through.

  11. Oh, that's such a bummer about your tomatoes!

  12. Shall we stay tuned for the ceremonial "eating of the corn"?

  13. Maybe the kernels will be variegated, too. That would be awesome!

  14. I know! I'm so excited to see what they look like. I noticed this weekend that we have a second ear developing, so I'm hoping to reveal one. The birds should like that, I'd think.
