I love spring. It's all tulips and plant sales and the anticipation that I've finally figured out that area of dry shade and it's going to look amazing (I haven't and it won't but it's nice to think otherwise).
Mukdenia 'Crimson Fans' |
It's lengthening days and stubbornly sitting outside drinking beer at night, even though you're freezing.
It's mourning the loss of your favorite canna ('
Wyoming') and being giddy over the fact that your
Ceanothus thyrsiflorus is going to bloom for the first time.
It's yelling ROBIN RED BREAST! and also OH MY GOD, WHERE ARE ALL THESE ANTS COMING FROM, IT'S LIKE A FREAKING HORROR MOVIE IN OUR BATHROOM! and marveling that the bees are back and sighing that so are the wasps.
It's dandelions and being behind on mulching, already! How is that possible?
It's that perfect week when the daphne is still going and the tulips are all yodeling and every day there's something new blooming to make your allergies terrible but it's okay! It's so worth it!
Isn't it marvelous? Here's to hoping you're enjoying spring as much as Portland is, wherever you are.