
Thursday, May 15, 2014

Garden bloggers' bloom day, May 2014

Man, I totally get why Carol dreams of May. I was looking at my garden today thinking, Do I have too many flowers? Is it too much? I just checked last year's entry and some things are late to bloom, like my Geranium 'Rozanne' and my Verbascum bombyciferum 'Arctic Snow,' but everything else is right on schedule. I'm going to try and limit my listings here to things that are new or particularly nice looking right now.

Camassia quamash, the straight species, blooms later than 'Blue Danube'

Spiraea betulifolia var. lucida

Aquilegia chrysantha 'Flore Pleno'

Nicotiana alata 'Lime green' and Viburnum plicatum 'Watanabe' (I think)

Lessertia montana

Allium jesdianum 'Early Emperor'

Allium schubertii

Deschampsia flexuosa

Geum triflorum

Camassia leichtlinii

Amsonia hubrichtii

Unknown sedum

Thalictrum 'Black Stockings'

Disporum cantoniense 'Night Heron'

Salvia 'Flame'

Lonicera 'Major Wheeler'

Ceanothus thyrsiflorus has a washed out color that I don't love but the bees seem to.

Salvia 'May Night'

Dichelostemma ida-maia

Cotula hispidula and Lewisia cotyledon

Allium christophii

Salvia 'Amistad' died this winter so I bought a replacement. Totally worth it.

Angelica taiwaniana

Whew! Thanks for hosting Carol. Summer is practically upon us; I guess I should think about mulching soon?


  1. Gorgeous selection Heather! The simplicity of Deschampsia stood out for me though :)

  2. I'm so in love with that grass! It shimmers silver in the sunlight. And it's in dry shade!

  3. I'm loving the deep blue of your Salvia 'May Night' and 'Amistad'. And your alliums - such great shapes, all of them.

  4. Yet another reason to love May--deep blue reigns supreme!

  5. Oooo..those are some purdy blooms, must get Cammasia for next year. Love those. And the salvias...mine died too, I guess I must admit and move on. Good replacement plant, though - I may copy you!

  6. I just added geum last year and I really like the wispy seed heads. Plus, I can't get enough of those deep dark purple salvia. Lovely photos. Thanks for sharing!

  7. Oh man, that's such a bummer about your alliums! I'd always heard they were more reliable than tulips.

  8. I can't believe you don't have any! They're one of our prettiest natives!

  9. Too many flowers? Is that possible? I love that Lessertia montana SO MUCH! Did you order it from Annie's? When did you plant it? How big is it? How come I don't have one???

  10. I was thinking about you and how it should be in your garden. I got it from Annie's last summer and it got smothered by my Echium 'Star of Madeira.' Right now it's 18" and pretty spindly. You totally have room for one!

  11. They were never on my radar until I read about them in Fine Gardening. Now I'm thinking I need a lot more!

  12. I'm waiting and waiting for my Allium schubertii to open. I have so many other flowers, why is there always one that just tries my patience? Happy GBBD! You have some beautiful flowers.

  13. Mine have been super picky. I bought five bulbs and usually I have one or two that will bloom. I'm shocked that I got three to cooperate this year!

  14. 'Is it too much?" We should all have such a reaction to spring! I think the heat wave did away with my lessertia. Too bad it wasn't planted last fall. And I'm totally infatuated with your prairie smoke/geum and wish it didn't mind warm winters.

  15. Oh, that's a bummer on both counts. I always assumed cold was the harder extreme on gardens and your blog has been such an eye opener.

  16. I have been so pleasantly surprised by how much I love that one.

  17. Oh, come on, you can never have too many flowers. And you have a lot of happy ones. I love that Allium christophii, it looks like someone turned Albert Einstein into an allium, or maybe an allium stuck its finger in the electric socket.

  18. Totally! There's an allium called 'Hair' that's a little shaggier; it looks like a fraggle.

  19. I KNOW. Bad girl. I will remedy the situation. PS - back in town, do I owe you some $$? :)

  20. So many pretty can you have too much? I love the camassia and your salvia. I haven't ventured into either of those!

  21. You've never grown salvia? Are you too busy growing difficult plants? I love them--they are so forgiving and so pretty.

  22. Haha! Apparently yes :) I need to rethink my tactics.

  23. You have so many beautiful flowers, Heather! I wish I could grow the Camassia and the Geum. The Nicotiana is looking good. I tried giving mine fish fertilizer and extra water as I believe you suggested in response to a post some months ago - they were looking pretty good until those blankety-blank heatwaves we had down here fried them.

  24. I always take all the house plants outside about now and spray them liberally with insecticidal soap. Seems to do the trick.

  25. Very nice! I'm right there with you on the Coral Honeysuckle and the May Night sage. Fun and fabulous to see the same flowers blooming on the other side of the continent! :)
