So when I recently attended the
Garden Bloggers Fling I got to meet Carol, the godmother of Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day. She has a cute illustration of a Victorian woman pushing a lawn mower
on her website and, because I am a dolt, my brain filed this away literally. I pictured her as an older woman with flowing gray hair. She wears pantaloons and she carries a wicker basket to collect flowers.
In reality, Carol is a modern woman who wears pants and rocks a blond pixie cut. I tell you this in case you were similarly confused.
And you know what? I just looked at that photo again and it's not a Victorian woman. It's like an English woman, maybe turn of the century? It's a wonder I'm gainfully employed.
Anyway, it's so bloomy right now! This could take a while.
Phacelia viscida |
Lonicera brownii 'Dropmore Scarlet' |
Echium wildpretii |
Stipa gigantea |
Oxalis oregana |
Calamagrostis foliosa |
Festuca amethystina 'Superba' |
Allium schubertii |
Syringa patula 'Miss Kim' |
Allium 'Purple Sensation' |
Salvia nemerosa 'Caradonna' |
Stipa gigantea 'Little Giant' |
Camassia leichtlinii semiplena |
Lewisia cotyledon |
Lewisia cotyledon 'White Splendor' |
Rhazya orientalis |
Parahebe perfoliata |
Dierama pulcherrimum |
Phlomis russeliana |
Amsonia hubrichtii |
Geranium macrorrhizum |
Arctostaphylos 'John Dourley' |
Spiraea betulifolia var. lucida |
Fuchsia speciosa |
Podophyllum pleianthum |
Salvia 'Skyscraper' |
Ceanothus thyrsiflorus |
Cuphea x 'Strybing Sunset' |
Cerinthe purpurascens |
Bletilla striata |
Whew, we made it! Thanks again to our host,
Carol, who is neither a Victorian, nor a Dowager Countess, who maintains her idyllic manor with a push mower and a snarky aside.