Showing posts with label lewisia cotyledon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lewisia cotyledon. Show all posts

Friday, April 15, 2016

Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day April 2016

I love April. Our front garden is dressed like a pretty pretty princess.
Cornus florida and Camassia leichtlinii 'Blue Danube'

Othonna cheirifolia

Sedum parmeri

Gaultheria Shallon

Myosotis sylvatica 'Victoria Blue'

Loropetalum chinensis 'Sizzling Pink'

Convallaria majalis

Prosartes hookeri

Disporum cantoniense 'Night Heron'

Maianthemum racemosum

Camassia leichtlinii 'Blue Danube'
Lewisia cotyledon

Tulipa 'Black Parrot'

Lewisia cotyledon 'White Splendor'

A happy bloom day to you and thank you to Carol, our host at May Dreams Gardens!

Monday, June 24, 2013

At last

 . . . my love (that is not Greg) has come along to my garden.

How did I get joint compound on that green pot?

In April a friend gave me a gift certificate to Garden Fever. I'm at Garden Fever all the time and I could've spent it before now but I didn't want to use it on tomatoes or compost or filler plants. I wanted to use it for something special.

I finally got an Agave 'Blue Glow.' I was so excited I bought two. Because I'm a greedy little plant-pig, I wish I had bought three.

These guys are hardy in zones 9b-11, so they'll have to come inside for the winter. They reach a mature size of 1-2' by 1-2' and apparently they are fast growers. I could have purchased a larger size but they didn't look as nice as the smaller ones did.

As long as we're talking about pokey plants, I thought I'd give you an update on some of my others . . .

After sitting like a bump on a log for a year, my Dasylirion texanum has pumped out a ton of new growth. He's surrounded by biennials and easily moved grasses, so he'll have plenty of room to stretch to his full size (3' tall by 3-5' wide). This one is hardy down to zone 5 and it hasn't been fazed by the heavy rains.

My agaves have gotten hugongous. Three of them are more than a foot across. Too bad about that tenacious petticoat of oxalis, grrr.

This guy had some damage from the wet spring. He's also a little sheltered by the milkweed and crocosmia, so I don't think he's drying out enough.

Those low white blooms are Lewisia cotyledon 'White Splendor'. They have been blooming without stop since the first of April. They are hardy in zones 4-10 and only ask for excellent drainage.

This one's going to get her own MTV show. A baby having babies! You're too young!

This is a pup I recently unwound from one of the larger agaves and it's only a couple of inches across. They grow up so fast these days!