Showing posts with label spring. Show all posts
Showing posts with label spring. Show all posts

Monday, April 14, 2014

I love spring

I love spring. It's all tulips and plant sales and the anticipation that I've finally figured out that area of dry shade and it's going to look amazing (I haven't and it won't but it's nice to think otherwise). 

Mukdenia 'Crimson Fans'

It's lengthening days and stubbornly sitting outside drinking beer at night, even though you're freezing.

It's mourning the loss of your favorite canna ('Wyoming') and being giddy over the fact that your Ceanothus thyrsiflorus is going to bloom for the first time.

It's yelling ROBIN RED BREAST! and also OH MY GOD, WHERE ARE ALL THESE ANTS COMING FROM, IT'S LIKE A FREAKING HORROR MOVIE IN OUR BATHROOM! and marveling that the bees are back and sighing that so are the wasps.

It's dandelions and being behind on mulching, already! How is that possible?

It's that perfect week when the daphne is still going and the tulips are all yodeling and every day there's something new blooming to make your allergies terrible but it's okay! It's so worth it!

Isn't it marvelous? Here's to hoping you're enjoying spring as much as Portland is, wherever you are.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Daphne is for winners

It's the most wonderful time of the year! I've gotten to work in the garden the past two weekends AND the daphne is blooming!

Daphne odora 'Aureomarginata'

I carry a little bud vase of daphne from room to room with me, like a weirdo. I think daphne has the best fragrance in the whole world. People should stop using those awful air fresheners and just plant more fragrant shrubs.

The best part is that my other two daphnes haven't even started blooming yet. More fragrance to come! (I'm a little high on springtime, if you can't tell.)

Friday, February 4, 2011

Spring fever!

I've been so starved for action in the garden that I've been running into the backyard when I get home from work and scanning the ground for emerging bulbs.  Since it was only January I was always disappointed.

But!  Yesterday things were happening!

Simple minds = simple pleasures, you guys. February 3rd, I'm gonna kiss you on the mouth.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

First buds of spring

I really thought the dried out ferns I planted last fall weren't going to make it, but look!  Tiny fiddleheads, waiting to unfurl.


Daffodils popped up in the front yard, too.  Once those wither the tulip bulbs I planted should take their place.


The weeds are thriving, of course.  Luckily I love weeding, especially when the ground is soft and the sun is shining.  I like to throw them over my shoulder onto the sidewalk so they can cook in the sun.  You know, teach them a lesson.

My bloodgood maples have small buds on them and I'm really excited to see what kind of foliage they'll produce.  I think I'm also going to order some Rosalie tulip bulbs.  Rosalie is my Grandma's name (Hi, Grandma! I love you!) and she raised prize-winning African violets for as long as I can remember.  I'm bad at house plants but I can do bulbs.

Aren't they so lovely?