I returned from Kauai a little (not a lot) tanner and found that some of my plants were tanner as well.
Even though temperatures were dipping into the thirties, my cannas were still blooming.
Then the temperature dropped below freezing and my poor cannas and
Echium candicans 'Star of Madeira' turned my front garden into a swath of brown.
Luckily my
Mahonia x media 'Arthur Menzies' has recently erupted in blooms.
And my
Geranium 'Rozanne' is completely unfazed by the temperatures.
And my
Clematis jackmanii just put out a new bloom! Thank you
Laurrie, for suggesting this one.
And my
Fatsia japonica is doing its wonderful Sputniky thing.
Thank goodness for these late season blooms. I'm itching to get back in the garden but this cold dry weather is making it hard (I feel like a mummy!). Better to enjoy the blooms from inside the house.
Have a happy thanksgiving, all you turkeys!